I'm A Little Rusty
It's almost complete! Waiting for binding, which I hope will take place tonight. This was a Charlotte Angotti mystery class I took with The Woodlands Area Quilt Guild, hmmmm closing in on 2 years ago?! My personal sewing time is so limited. It's sad that my time has to be last but you do what you have to do! I enjoy longarming for others most of the time (LOL!) and family matters come before sewing time as well. I know many of you that work and have children at home know exactly where I'm coming from.
It's almost bed sized. I really needed to add another row of blocks to each side plus this border to get a good 100" quilt like I prefer for a bed quilt. I realized too that I omitted the gray sashings that came with this class kit. Those sashings would have brought it up closer to a bed size too! Drat. But, they were a lovely gray and nothing seemed to work from my stash with that gray. Without the sashings, I really liked the straight set stars and this older fabric from my stash looked perfect for the outer border, adding a nice richness to those fall colors I love so much. So, no sashings.
Here are a few posts from the past of places this quilt has been work on!
The classroom
Camping but I can't find pictures and not going to spend time searching for them. Here it is on my design wall with and without the sashing. Gee, in hindsight it really wasn't bad with the gray sashing and the outer border I used!
Last of all, one of the Quilt Inspectors! She matches the quilt.
I went back and forth a few times on whether I should custom quilt or do an all over. I was torn, but decided the fabrics really might not showcase the quilting that well. I think I made the right decision with quilting an all over design. The thread I choose for this one (Omni Bronco) was a greenish beige which blended very well with all fabrics. This one is earmarked for a gift and I'm so happy to be nearing the finish! 
