Six Week TKR

Never ever did I imagine I would be still be at this level in rehab at 6 weeks.   Everyone is different I've joined an online support group so I at least have some folks to not feel alone with because so many do so well so quickly.  Protocol always said that we would be using some sort of assistance or walking device for 6-12 weeks with a full recovery a year or more out!  Many are done with that so much sooner.   I did graduate to a cane Monday which was my 6 weeks date.  Canes are really difficult when your knee is swollen into a tree stump and totally non-responsive to your body! No support to me at all. I mostly don't use it in the house. You can't prop it anywhere that it doesn't fall on the floor and I have enough furniture to hold onto in most rooms.  Shopping I'm told to get a grocery cart and use that for support.

At 4 weeks I had 2.5 days that I felt like I was making progress then I was slammed backward again.   Monday I actually had a very good day and was able to sit in a chair and do some bookkeeping without swelling on top of my PT day.  I felt like I was getting around well but also had a full day and night with a meeting along with some e2e quilts and have not recovered from that.   I have added swelling  into my calf and foot in addition to knee that I just can't shake.  PT had no suggestions for me today about the swelling in my calf.  I can't even stand to wear my socks!

I had a few e2e quilts that I promised by specific gift giving dates that I had to get out.  The efforts were agonizing and contributed to my set backs.  I can not be working again with any deadlines on e2e until recovered.  There is too much walking round and round the frame and then back again on that hard tile.   My leg is not straight.  Walking and sitting are still issues creating swelling.

I am stronger.  I can balance 30 second intervals with fingertip assistance standing on my TKR leg.  I can dress myself in more of a normal fashion, not sitting down.  I have tied my own shoe laces and put on my socks 3 days in a row now!  But my life still evolves around pain, swelling,icing, meds, elevation, PT, exercise.  I am uncomfortable enough as a passenger in the car, I have no interest in attempting to drive yet.  It would be like walking the past year, I am afraid I  would get stranded unable to drive myself home LOL.

Someone asked that it must be making me crazy not being able to stand at my longarm quilting.  Actually it is not except for worrying over  you and my schedule being wrecked! Being creative is nowhere in my daily thoughts and desires.  I haven't picked up any needlework in days and have had little progress in 6 weeks. 100% of my thoughts are spent just dealing with me and my leg - getting from A-Z, household things, my mother is in the hospital again and I can't get there....  tomorrow is my husbands' 60th birthday and I can't do anything.  Believe me, creativity is not on my radar.

I can in  my leisure run e2e.  Except large quilts are too much for me to handle loading.  I can't get the batting cut and downstairs either.   Loading so far takes me about 3 hours and then days to recover from that!  I have had to run 5 e2e so far.   I think I will wait another week or 2 before I attempt another one.  Custom, no way.  I can't even stand straight so there is no way I can custom quilt this week as planned, agonizing over my body every second.

I am at 6.5 weeks and not standing or sitting well (or sleeping for that matter).  I have made the mental adjustment and have changed my goal to 12 weeks to begin work.  I am afraid based on my progress to date that I will not be able to resume full time custom work either standing 10 hour days with custom and e2e.  My revised plan will  have me custom quilting in the morning while fresh then switching over to running computerized e2e as I become unable to stand and bend over the frame on your custom.    For my next 20 customs (I have 40 on the books) , I am only aware of 3 clients with impending show dates that will take priority to ensure their show due dates are met.   I apologize for any additional delays in getting to your quilt and understand fully if you want to withdraw your name from my custom quilting list.

Thank you all for your support and I do look forward to getting this all behind me and having my life back.  I do love custom quilting your quilts and the thrill of a new quilt everyday on the frame with edge to edge quilting.  I will keep you posted as I make progress.

My Fade to Purple quilt on display at the Riley Blake booth at Houston Market 2017.  Pattern by Victory Findley Wolfe


DKay said…
Hang in there Valerie! Take good care of yourself and give your body time to heal.
Becky Collis said…
There will always be quilts and quilting. Taking care of yourself and that knee have to be your priority right now. I'm sending healing vibes your way. 😘
Nancy said…
Oh my gosh, you must feel this is a snail's pace for you. I think the support group is such a good idea- it seems to me that when people have significant surgeries such as yours or hip replacement, part of the discouragement is not making the progress at the pace you hoped for. Even with cataract surgery- I know two quilters who did not have the kind of results that make most people say "I should have done this sooner." But eventually the progress comes- it's a tough patience lesson. Wishing you well.