SUDS Longarm Challenge 2014

One of my longarm groups "Stand Up Divas" or SUDS for short,  hosted a challenge using a pattern called "Spa" by Debbie Taylor.  We could make it any size,  modify it,  use one row or 20, a whatever challenge with the emphasis on the quilting.  Today was our reveal day and we had so many different styles of piecing and quilting!
I wasn't thrilled with the design and have zero time to piece these days so I opted to create something I did like.   Even if this was so different I was  disqualified...I did not care.  I enjoyed the challenge of creating something interesting to me using the exact same components.   I reduced the finished block from 6" to 4", flipped some of the appliqué  pieces and tadah!  I liked it.  I used turned edge appliqué,  machine stitched down with matching top thread using invisible blind stitch.   Quilting.... Eh.  I ran out of time and it was more of a need to get it on and off the frame so I could get on with my real paying job. I spent too much time on design and appliqué and needed to move on!   Here are the results:
Close up of backside
the top
I made a fun pieced backing
close up of designs.   The black looked cool on my sketch... but in reality the texture doesn't work for me.   But I'm not one to rip out and all in all, it's fine for a wall hanging.
Top Row:  Valerie's "I Need A Spa Day", Eleanor's "Happy Birthday and Jammee's (I did not get a pic of her back - quilting is very cool)
Bottom row:  Jane(? I'm sorry, new member and I'm not sure of her name) and Tammy's
Denalee's Red/White/Blue that she will donate to Quilts of Valor.   This is basically the pattern however the original designer had a light background and the curves were all sort of blue denim blue colors. 
LouAnn's to go with a Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar wall quilt
Norma's Jacket!

What do you think?!   We did awesome!   Fun Challenge and we are all getting a copy of Angela Walter's newest quilting book for playing.  Woohoo!


Pat H. said…
Beautiful quilts.