Civil War Ohio Star quilt

This quilt is Jacque's and she intended to quilt it herself but found the process on such a large size bed quilt not as enjoyable as planned. I think her opening question to me is very important. She asked, "Would you be willing to quilt this the way I want it quilted?". Of course! These are your quilts, we try to finish them to your specifications and budget. We may have suggestions or reasons why some techniques are better for that quilt but ultimately this is your quilt and your input matters. She seemed very pleased with the results! I love the backside of this type of quilt These are 20" blocks. BIG. One of my favorite design lines is how the sashing and the side pieces of the block come together to form a secondary design. I think this one will be so awesome after it is washed and dried. It is always my hope that I...