Red and Green BOM

I'm hoping that I can make some progress on some of my old UFO's this year.  Once again I find myself thinking that this year is almost half gone already!   My Round Robin is in the forefront with ideas for quilting it brewing in my head, meanwhile I decided to pull out my old Red/Green BOM project from my online group.   The last I remembered, I had set it up to quilt in sections on my DSM.   I was tickled to find that I had joined the sections of the quilt top together but the borders had not been cut or added yet.   I don't have any photos of the quilt top in my computer so I went back to my yahoo group and pulled a few photos from there to post and remind myself of the journey.

The above photo was taken in 2008!   The blocks are much older.

Angie claiming this quilt as hers.

Guards posted as I decided layout for the quilt.

Borders cut and 2 sides stitched on yesterday!
We used to have so much fun with the online group, and several of us still "talk" just about every day.  Facebook and Blogging have changed the groups so much,   That's where most are logging  their activity now (instagram and twitter - I can't even remember my accounts that I set up LOL!).   I like that I can connect...but I do miss specialized groups.   Not everyone on my friends lists wants to see my quilty world and in the quilty world I'm sure most don't want to see posts from our relatives.  The red/green exchange went on for over a year plus a few blocks are mixed into my quilt from the red/white exchange.   Those block exchanges were so much fun!   All of us were new to online groups and exchanging online.  Many were beginning quilters and learning new techniques.   We had lots of fun!
So, I worked a little on the Red/Green project even though I just left a class on Thursday with oodles of sewing to do, it is perfect for Monday sew-in projects.   I will leave it as well as the Bonnie Hunter Tulip Fields as tote bag projects for the moment.  Here's a pic of what the basic top should look like when I get my units completed from a   Charlotte Angotti mystery class.


Meanwhile, it's graduation day for our high school senior.   No sewing today. 



Painted Ladyquilter said…
Facebook is fun...but I do miss our Geesey group...and the ability to really keep up with just us. I remember all of the group..and an I treasure the two quilts that the members made me when I lost my son in 2006.So many things like that were done! Plus...the exchanges were both a great way to try new things, and a wonderful way to obtain enough variety to make a top! I haven't put many together...but made a couple of wall hangings...still...someday, when I retire...
Painted Ladyquilter said…
and someday I will keep up with my own blog
Valerie said…
It was a great way to try new things!

Makes us feel bad that we have these unfinished projects but I believe the project served its purpose by making those blocks, playing with techniques and color... if a quilt never gets produced that's OK. Think of all the pages of scrap we created when we learned math, or handwriting or painting techniques.... It's our doodles in fabric.