Trying to catch up!

Gosh it's hard to catch up sometimes when you take a few days off. October finished with a birthday party for Mickey, Halloween preparations, Houston International Quilt Festival, my birthday plus the countless day to day events that occur. I've been quilting, I just have not had a chance to post. Also I lost some of my photos somehow. Here's my attempt to catch up: One of the classes I took at Quilt Festival. Silk fabric, silk batting and silk thread stitched on longarm. Then we "painted" with dye. We can now use this fabric to make something like a notebook cover. One of my favorite classes there this year. Mickey's 14th! Did I even post the #2 Parasol Ladies as finished? I don't think so. Some of my Desert Sky blocks. One of the prettier T-Shirt Quilts. Very colorful! A lot of people just make up their T-...