Desert Sky class

I was early for class, the doors not yet open.  Even though it was a chilly, gray morning (felt great after the long hot summer here!) I thought it would be a good opportunity to take a few pictures of the shops in this area known as the "old town Tomball" and the shopping area is known as Relics by the Railroad,  The tracks run at the end of the block.  So many of us never see so many "mom and pop" establishments, or an old residential area that is now all business.  My brothers' barber shop is just a few blocks away too.  I just want to poke around in all the stores!

This is a picture of Quilters Crossing on the left, inbetween the 2 shops and behind that little courtyard is the classroom building for Quilters Crossing.   I think this is THE BEST classroom I've even been able to attend.  We have a comfy building set up just for quilting complete with kitchen facilities.  It feels just like a quilt retreat when you spend the day there.  The porch of the quilt shop is decorated with quilts when it opens its doors and also keeps a dish of cat food out for some resident stray kitties.

Shops to the left as you face Quilters Crossing and then below are shops directly across the street.  Really good restaurants too!

Many more shops, these are just next to the quilt shop.   The quilt shop owners are very good to us and allow groups to hold "bees" there, guild classes and worshops plus she hosts an open sew-in day every Friday from 9AM until 10PM!!   And its packed with regulars, day and night.   I made a pact with myself, I find I often quilt customer quilts on weekends and late evenings to make up for lost time or errands during the week... It is so difficult to carve out time for "my" projects plus longarm quilting is an isolating job done by yourself for long hours.  Friday's are now penciled in on my schedule that I will be at sew in and so far I am 3 for 3 - woohoo! 
Saturday I took another class from Carolyn, this time much simpler than the Bali Wedding Star that I am still working on (just sew at Sew-in,  rarely ever at home...) mainly because of the fellowship and friendships developed from the first class.   And we had a blast!   This pattern is much simpler and I am 1/4 of the way finished with my blocks already.  Another woohoo!   Here's a few pics from the class:
Teacher and her quilt on the wall along with some blocks completed by participants.
My blocks from class.  I got the arcs added last night to all of these too!   They are so washed out on the wall and so colorful up close and personal.   I think everyone's quilts will be georgeous, how can you go wrong with so many beautiful fabrics in one quilt?




Bobbidink Designs said…
Valerie- Thank you for your kind words about the shop! You are sew sweet! :-)
Nancy said…
What a fascinating area. It's most inviting. So good you are making a weekly time for your own quilting. Good for you. And it such a charming place. Blocks are looking good... looks like a complex pattern.