Bloggers' Quilt Festival - Feathered Baskets

I am participating in the Blogger's Quilt Festival created by Amy's Creative Side from May 18 to June 1, 2012. The Blogger's Quilt Festival is an online quilt festival where bloggers from around the world showcase a quilt of their choice. It does not have to be perfect or new, it just  has to be one you like and create a new post about that quilt.    Be sure to visit the festival to see all the quilts showcased there and vote!

Feathered Baskets is the quilt I selected to showcase because I learned so much quilting this top.  The blocks were pieced by several members during an online exchange.  I sewed up a few more and set them into a top several years ago.   I've always felt it should be heavily quilted and just kept it tucked away until I felt I was ready to undertake that challenge.   I finally have my long arm (HQFusion) and decided I was ready to give it a try.   Quilting this was definately a learning experience but despite any of my shortcomings, I think the quilt turned out spectacular.    Thanks for looking and be sure to visit the festival and vote for your favorites.


CitricSugar said…
The quilting is amazing!
April said…
So pretty! and the quilting is so detailed! Thanks for sharing. April@Little Mama Hen
Anonymous said…
Spectacular quilting
Queenie Believe said…
Lovely quilt and amazing quilting.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
purduepam said…
Awesome quilting. Really sets off the blocks
Average Quilter said…
The quilting is awesome
Nancy said…
The quilting really is lovely! The baskets, too.
The quilting looks fantastic and I love the background fabric!