Almost done...

Basket quilt is off the frame and binding done.   I decided that I machine pieced this, machine quilted it so why not machine quilt both sides of the binding?  Right or wrong, that's what I did.  Wish I would have thought to put blue thread in the bobbin though LOL!  OH well, this is not destined to be a showpiece.  It was a fun piece to make going back to the exchange with our Quilting Geese back in 2007,set into a quilt top in 2009 and finally it made it to the top of the UFO stack in 2012 to be quilted!  Lots of feathers and maybe not the best design ... but done is good.  Hopefully tomorrow I will get the hand stitching parts done on the sleeve and label and into the wash it goes.  Can't wait to see it all washed and soft!  This one has been a long time in the works.

The best compliment?  I showed it to my neighbor that is also a quilter and she thought it was a computer guided pattern!  Awwww... she's too sweet.


Nancy said…
Pretty, pretty! I love Baskets. Your quilting looks terrific. Well done. Thanks for you comment on my stitcher piece, too... it was fun to make and I hope to do more. Have a good weekend.
Borderline Quilter said…
This is fabulous Valerie, I may have to steal, sorry copy your pattern, lots of space for your feathers!