Scrappy lap quilts and pantographs

These 3 lap quilts are off the frame. All three used the same backing which was very busy and super to work with because most thread colors blended in nicely. I had recently picked up a bundle of paper pantographs from someone that had gone digital/computerized so was curious to try out some of those new patterns. The beauty of working with a pantograph is that you don't have to worry about spacing on your quilt top. Everything is very symetrical and well balanced but the downside is that you are working from behind, looking at a piece of paper and not the stitching. These 3 would have also been good quilts for me to work on my own freehand fill designs but I just had to try out these patterns. All quilts made from members scrap baskets. Jacobean panto, I liked it on paper but stitched out I feel it would have been perfect with something in the center of those leaves. ...