Total Knee Replacement Week 27

Today marks off the end of 27 weeks since surgery, the 6 month anniversary has officially passed by now. Last week found me with my 4th round of issues since week 15 wanting to go to ER or anywhere they would help me. My GP did tell me Thursday to go to the ER! After Monday's PT I had increased pain which escalated into an odd tight, painful sensation of being numb and wrapped around my entire leg from mid-thigh down my leg. I got a work-in appt at my GP's office but they only prescribed more meds for the increased pain hoping that would get me through to my Neuro visit that was to occur the following week. They also did a follow up on a pain management referral because they would not see me until they had neurological report. I wanted to get the ball rolling on that since neuro was finally happening. Crazy to have to wait so long for some sort of pain relief. Also a referral was made to a Physical M...