Recent Show Ribbon Winners

Several shows have occurred recently that clients or myself entered quilts. Several quilts took top honors!! Lou Ellen Hassold's "Star Bright", quilted by me took BEST OF SHOW @ Golden Needles, 1st place medium pieced and a 1st place at Brazos Bluebonnet Quilt Guild Show and another top award for Best Piecing at BBQG. It also received a sponsor ribbon from Sew N Vac. Congratulations Lou Ellen. I'm so honored to have had a part in your vision for this quilt. I'm also blown away that I have quilted 3 different quilts that have taken guild shows top honor of Best of Show! No, that is not dotted fabric, that is approx. 4000 crystals applied to the quilt! The show has already taken down their posts about this... I did not save a picture from the big winner's list! Kathryn Zimmerman's "Dogwood Winter" quilted by me took " Outstanding Machine W...