Quilt Shows and Longarm Quilters

I've had almost 48 hours and my emotions are beginning to return to a normal range, but it has been one heck of a day and a half. My concern really isn't Road to California, it's about all shows, it's about publications, it's about anyone that has been denied recognition of their contribution to whatever it is. This particular event brings to the forefront every insult from lack of acknowledgement from several shows even in my own neighborhood, my guilds. Quilts I have quilted for two different clients belonging to two different local guilds (that I am also a member of), have won Best of Show. Did I get a ribbon for either one? No. Even worse, one of these shows did not even list me as the quilter! **Edited - The SHOW did not list me as quilter on the id card. The maker did. Another quilt I quilted in that show omitted my name as well on the card** Another qu...