New website is live!

I am so happy to report that we finally have a separate website set up for my business. My blog will continue at blogger as I don't want to learn a new system but my blog will post at my .com so you can access the blog from the site. All the digital designs can be found there as well as lots of other info and photos. Check out my new website here ! I also want to take this time to wish you all a very What else is new? I have a new logo! I was so thrilled working with Mr. Hop. After meeting with me for an hour, looking at some of my client's quilts and my quilting, he came up with this design. I love it. I received approval from Quiltworx the pattern designer to use this as my logo and also from Lou Ellen Hassold whose Paradise in Blooms quilt was the inspiration source for the logo. Mr. Hop was right on ...