Progress with my Innova

I've had my new 26" Innova for 8 weeks. 12 days I was camping and I also had some down time when scheduling some adjustments to my machine. So really less than 6 weeks of time spent on her. No name yet. No tattoos either! Still a bit of a learning curve. Every machine feels a little different, the weight is different, the feel of the machine as you move it along. She could use color, I do miss seeing those pretty decals like I had on my Fusion. My only customization to the top so far, a cup mounted for my thread snips. No place to mount my suction cup like on my Fusion and a small magnet seems to slide off with the weight of the scissors. Differences so far? Quilting from behind doing a panto, the Innova glides over bulky seams so effortlessly that I often check mid row just to be sure I'm stitching with thread! My Fusion would go across bulky seams banging and cr...