Vintage Sheet Quilt

This appears to be entirely made from vintage sheets, backing included. Someone made the top and then I was asked to quilt it. This will be sold as a fund raiser in our boutique at the 2016 Quilt Show. Funds raised go toward funding our speakers and workshops. The quilt is large. Aproximatelty 100" long and almost as wide. Lots of negative space to play in. But way too much of it for free... at a 2 cent Panto rate and using 100 x 100 as an example. That's $200 income/quilting hours I lost quilting this. Now in this case, I had it for months and quilted it in between lulls. BUT I could have been cleaning my house or working on my own projects. Do you think this quilt will sell for $200? $100? Freebies I dont mind...I plan for 12 a year...but I need lap size lol! Can you tell that I am so burned out over the number of hours each week I am obligated to...